Sunday, October 17, 2010

Multi Faith Candlelight Vigil for the Pakistan Floods Victims

Tahmena Bokhari attended a very important event at the Markham Civic Centre this evening. Multifaith prayers were held by Social Services Network with community partners to honour the victims of the Pakistan floods. Bokhari stated, "It was truly an historic event to have leaders of diverse faiths present and to have such diverse community members all stand together in support of Pakistanis half way around the globe. I hope this event triggers more of its kind so that we can learn from each others' respective faiths and join hands in solidarity for all humanitarian efforts. Events such as this also serve as a platform through which Canadians are speaking to the world by role modeling our values of humanitarianism, compassion, sharing, community spirit, multi-faith, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural spirit, and all in hopes for a better world. I am inspired by all of tonight's speakers and guests."

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